Steps to Creating a Parenting Plan in Ontario

steps to creating a parenting plan in ontario

Creating a parenting plan is a bit like collecting a spaceship out of LEGO – it requires persistence, collaboration, and intermittent full breath to try not to step on any excruciating blocks of conflict.

This isn’t simply any ordinary undertaking; it’s tied in with sorting out a groundbreaking strategy that guarantees the profound and actual prosperity of your small space explorers – your children. A decent parenting plan resembles a GPS for co-parenting; it explores you through space rock fields of booking clashes and maintains a strategic distance from outsider intrusions of errors. It’s a fundamental device in the post-separate world, guaranteeing that the two guardians keep on track, in any event, when they’re light-years separated in their parenting styles.

Thus, snatch your figurative space cap and get ready for an excursion into the universe of co-parenting. Keep in mind that the mission objective is clear: to make a parenting plan that is less about fighting with your ex and more about diagramming a serene course for your kids’ future. We should lock in and send off into the moves toward making an unbelievable parenting plan!

Understanding the Basics – What is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan, in the most basic terms, is akin to an instruction manual for what could be called ‘Co-Parenting’—a complex but worthwhile game. It isn’t like Monopoly where you get paid $200 every time you reach ‘Go,’ hence it is a significant document that guides how parents will raise their children after separation or divorce Consider it as a map, but rather than pointing out the location of buried riches; it directs you to an enriched life post-divorce. This plan is the Swiss army knife in your parenting toolbox, allowing you to handle all that comes with raising children living between two households.

Well, like trying to build a trampoline without instructions – chaotic! That’s parenting without a plan. The custody plan is your guide point by point, ranging from who gets to be the tooth fairy down to whoever’s on deck for soccer practice. It’s like a rulebook for those occasions when you can never agree on whether it should be 8 pm or the kids finally drop off from fatigue.

This plan is not just the schedule of pick-ups and drop-offs; it’s a treatise on reducing conflicts between kids. From powerhouse topics such as education and health care to the small details like where Thanksgiving turkey must make its stand is addressed. Essentially, a parenting plan is the warring parties’ peace treaty where both parents clearly understand their duties and expectations. It’s not so much ‘Game of Thrones’ but rather ‘Let us do this for the sake of the children.’

Why Does Making a Parenting Plan Matter – Pros and Cons

A parenting plan is similar to agreeing on the rules of a board game before playing it. And without it, you’re just flying blind hoping that nobody starts an all-round battle about who will become the banker. In the realm of co-parenting, a parenting plan is that all-important covenant – a pre-game handshake which states “Let us not turn this into shooting up every time little Johnny needs new soccer shoes”.

A parenting plan is beautiful because it provides a clear framework in this unchartered territory of post-separation parenthood. It is as if there were a referee in the game of parenting, regulating both players to conform with what has been agreed upon. Gone are the ‘he said, she said’ debates regarding bedtimes and ‘sudden’ calls about missed dentist appointments. It’s all laid out in basic black and white, more comprehensible than your Aunt Edna’s ‘famous’ casserole recipe.

But, as with any noble plan, it is not all rosy and fluffy either. At times, it becomes like guiding oneself according to a GPS that has not been updated for the past ten years. Life tends to provide challenges and children grow quicker than a chameleon changing colours on the dance floor of the discotheque. What was effective for two-year-old Timmy might not be suitable for ten-year-old Tim. Thus, though the parenting plan paves the way for peace it takes some jazz performance – ad-libbing and modification.

Simply put, creating a parenting plan is important because it acts as a roadmap for co-parenting and you draw on the compass to get there.

Steps to Creating a Parenting Plan

Consult the Oracle (aka a Reputable Divorce Lawyer):

Before diving into the parenting plan pool, it’s wise to chat with a professional who knows the deep end from the shallow. A reputable divorce lawyer can be your lifeguard, ensuring you don’t dive headfirst into murky legal waters.

Kid-Centric Focus:

Start by remembering this plan is less about you and your ex, and more about little Johnny’s love for soccer and Susie’s ballet recitals. Centre it around your children’s needs, schedules, and love for pizza Fridays.

Scheduling Shenanigans:

Plot out a calendar that makes sense. Who gets the kids when? And no, “whenever Mercury is in retrograde” is not an acceptable time frame.

Holiday Hoopla:

Decide who gets to be the cool parent at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and birthdays. Alternate, split, or even celebrate together if you’re feeling particularly harmonious.

Money Matters:

Figure out who’s paying for what. From braces to college funds, make sure your plan doesn’t accidentally skip the economics chapter.

Healthcare Hurdles:

Decide who takes the day off when the flu strikes and who holds the insurance cards. Remember, a spoonful of planning helps the medicine go down.

Education Expedition:

School decisions – pick them together. Whether it’s public, private, or a school on Mars, make sure you’re on the same page, or at least in the same book.

Extra-Curricular Equations:

Ballet, soccer, underwater basket-weaving – decide who manages what, so you’re not both showing up to ballet with soccer balls.

Problem-Solving Protocol:

Agree on how you’ll resolve disagreements. Rock, paper, and scissors are not recommended for major life decisions.

Flexibility Clause:

Kids change faster than fashion trends. Be ready to revise the plan as they grow and their needs evolve.

Put It in Writing:

A verbal agreement is about as sturdy as a house of cards. Document everything, so there’s no “but you said” later.

Final Words

With the right steps and a reputable divorce lawyer to guide you, you can waltz through co-parenting with grace. Ready to create a harmonious parenting plan? Contact us, and let’s get your co-parenting choreography started!

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Written by: the Divorce Fast Team

Our team of Ontario lawyers has over 15 years of experience handling divorce and other family law matters.

All of our lawyers are in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario, and have the knowledge and experience to help and guide you through your family law issues. Whether your matter pertains to divorce, separation, custody/access, or support claims, we are the firm for you.

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