The Rise of Gray Divorce: Can You End a Marriage in Your 60s

the rise of gray divorce can you end a marriage in your 60s

Ah, the trials and tribulations of marriage! It’s a minefield of emotion we all tread—even more so if you’re looking for happily ever after after several decades together.

But what happens if you make a late date for ’til death do us part and call it quits before reaching your sunset years? Hello, gray divorce!

It’s a more recent phenomenon, one that demands to be unpacked if we genuinely want to peel back the layers and get the complete picture of what is lying in wait for couples with their sixtieth anniversaries so close on the horizon.

Philosophical debates aside, folklore has left us pondering one burning question: Is it better to part ways or cling together despite decreasing sweetness? Well, let’s look at some answers data has provided us to arrive at sensible solutions for these age-old quandaries.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Gray Divorce

Whatever happened to ‘Til Death Do Us Part? Some couples have decided that partway through the marriage should do just fine! What’s happening in so many households that there is now a term called “Gray Divorce”? Let’s look into it, shall we?

As it turns out, Gray Divorce is now being used to describe couples that have reached the later years of marriage, much later than the old cliché. Let us give you a few scenarios explaining what could lead to these divorces. Maybe you are the individual who has grown tired of always playing the “dutiful role” of the spouse. That’s understandable, as the idea of gradually losing your own identity only to live for someone else can be draining.

Perhaps there have been changes within that individual over the years, such as attending college for the first time in the hopes of finding new directions, changes in thinking or values, changes in finances, or various ages for both individuals that make the relationship unable to circle back to comfortable, original roots.

Maybe the fact that elderly couples find it challenging to agree about whom they want to spend these latter years of life can cause upheavals meant for distress instead of joy. Dissatisfaction is now the new personality trait leading to quitrent dissolving instead of happiness from commitment fulfillment.

Who knows! Stranger things have happened. Understanding the reasons behind Gray Divorce is one way of becoming more understanding of the various situations later life couples face.

Emotional Challenges of Ending a Marriage Later in Life

Getting divorced is tough…especially when you’re a senior!

Elderly divorcees may be feeling a whole new range of emotions they’ve never had to reckon with before.

Shock, anger, relief, guilt, sadness…it can be overwhelming.

Trying to come to grips with the reality of a broken marriage is a daunting challenge, no matter your age.

Family and friends may have had quite a bit of advice leading up to the divorce while navigating societal taboos of saying the dreaded “D” word can be tiring and uncomfortable.

Then there’s the dreaded task of updating all your paperwork, like rewarding the postal worker with your corrected addresses or dealing with creditors who misplaced your legal docs.

Meanwhile, of course, mental and physical health should not be forgotten, outdoor any expenses related to counselling sessions.

There’s no doubt that the emotional challenges of ending a marriage as a senior can be draining, but hopefully, reaching acceptance will spinach you down a sunnier path soon.

Considering Legal Options for a Smooth Transition

Could it be said that you are always finished with weddings and prepared to see argyle floods rather than rose curves? Would you like to begin the course of legitimate partition quickly? Then perhaps now is the right time to find yourself a ‘go-to’ separate from a divorce lawyer!

As a senior, a few unanticipated conditions can ham up the conclusion of this age in your life; however, a divorce lawyer experienced in exploring the little hiding spots of the lawful system of a marriage detachment can help!

A decent separation legal counsellor can be your partner when now is the ideal time to head out in different directions, directing you through the settlement conversations with the other lawyer and guaranteeing the regulations ahead of you in killing any potential stuff that might emerge. Additionally, they have insight with military summons, so you don’t need to! In any case, in particular, they’ll be paying special attention to you regarding monetary issues, so you and your companion realize that the division will be evenhanded.

Getting an incredible divorce lawyer is scaling a mountain; however, here, we take care of you. Thus, simply call us assuming that you’re prepared to acquire a conclusion and begin the following part of your life!

Taking Time to Heal and Look Ahead After Gray Divorce

This is a tough time, no doubt. But don’t worry – there are ways to navigate the process of getting through it and starting over! Here are a few tips for Time to Heal and Look Ahead After a Gray Divorce:

First off, permit yourself to vent. Venting your frustrations, rather than stifling them, is the best way to release negative energy.

Seek out new experiences, whatever they may be – see a movie, visit a place you’ve always wanted to see or try a new form of exercise.

Name the positives: write down three things of yours that you are grateful for and that make life easier.

It may seem cheesy, but consider making a Moodspiration board – fill it with motivational quotes, happy images and motivating tasks. Making it physical can help make the effort tangible.

Don’t forget about your mental health, both during and after the grey divorce. Be open to giving and receiving help; think of it as fuel for your journey!

Allow yourself to fall in love and laugh again. Find out what brings you that same level of joy and purpose as being in a committed relationship. Invite your friends for a game night and indulge in long conversations with like-minded people.

The most crucial step is to be kind to yourself, Surround yourself with positivity and keep learning from your mistakes.

Final Words

Despite the rising trend of gray divorce, it’s still a problematic situation that you should always consider carefully. Think about each step you take and don’t feel rushed or obligated to move forward with one that doesn’t feel right. Talk to family, friends, marriage counsellors, financial advisors and even lawyers to get the guidance you need to make an informed decision for your life’s journey. Then contact our office and learn our fees should you decide that setting yourself free is the correct thing to do. Life does not end at 60! After all, isn’t it just starting? Onwards!

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Written by: the Divorce Fast Team

Our team of Ontario lawyers has over 15 years of experience handling divorce and other family law matters.

All of our lawyers are in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario, and have the knowledge and experience to help and guide you through your family law issues. Whether your matter pertains to divorce, separation, custody/access, or support claims, we are the firm for you.

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